Friday, November 21, 2014

Birdman Quick Review:

I enjoyed Birdman the other night.
Michael Keaton was funny. The movie seems to cross the line between fantasy and reality, reminding me of a Terry Gilliam film. Although it's mostly a comedic drama as opposed to any kind of Superhero movie.
The performances are good and funny enough to hold your interest.
Also, Keaton's Birdman voice is pretty awesome as well as the telekinesis effects in this.

Great job Keaton!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dumb & Dumber To Quick Review

Considering the fact I almost fought someone who was constantly kicking my chair last night...
I enjoyed Dumb and Dumber To!
 It was great to see Jim and Jeff back in character again! They really carried the movie and were as committed as ever. I laughed consistently, however I didn't laugh HARD nearly enough. 
The first Dumb and Dumber there were a number of memorable, hilarious, scenes that stood out. The snowball scene for instance and the Turtle Wax toilet scene. 
        Here, I felt there were only one of two scenes that stood out.
The finale of the movie didn't really felt like a finale.
It's really hard not comparing this movie to the first. It's really obvious how good the first movie was. A lot more care, production and time went into it.
All this being said, I might see it again as a matinee without somebody kicking the back of my seat.

I almost had to fight someone 
during Dumb & Dumber To. 
I'll shake my head at that 
for a long time.

7 out of 10. 
I wanted to give it a higher score :/

Friday, April 11, 2014

Episode 1 (untitled doc. project)

I'm editing episode 1 right now. It's going a bit slower then expected. I think I slightly over shot, that's why it's taking me so long to finish.

The lesson's learned for the 2nd episode.
In film watching news, I've been watching a show on Netflix called The Story of Film.
It's been really interesting to watch someone's who've very passionate about it do a such a detailed and in depth 15 episode run. He starts with Edison, Meles and the Lumiere brothers and goes through each decade beautifully deconstructing the styles, themes and techniques of each decade. He compares and contrasts films and bounces back in forth in film history to do so. He gets some decent interviews from some influential directors and writers too. I highly recommend this series which is on streaming Netflix. A must for any serious film fan.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Emerging Work Web Series?

Having finished Krypto's Legacy
(check out video on this page soon) I can move on to one of my next set of projects. It will be a series of shorts following me to work throughout New England and beyond. The best way to sum this up is a documentary video or vlog but it will incorporate other aspects of my life. It might even turn into a full blown film who knows?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Work

As I get older and embrace the 9-5 lifestyle, the massive time crunch struggle really begins to grate on me. Geez, even as I write this my pen has run out of ink. Something seems to be keeping me from writing this truth.
The truth is this: Time and having enough of it to achieve my goals has shrunk significantly. The time to do the things I really want to do and achieve before I leave Earth is running short. Writing tons of stories and making them come to life is one of those goals.
Our lives are full of too many stories and interesting people. To not write about it is a crime. To write about ones life is to honor it. Honor your memory, life. It's part of the human condition. Doing work that we aren't passionate about for the sake of living is something that, I think, can actually rob us of success. It robs me of the time it takes doing the things I was made to do. As I write this 'work' tries hard to keep me busy & keep me from writing this. Too much of our time is used working for survival. If everyone got to do what they loved to do and what they were actually good at instead of what they have to do, I truly believe the world would be a better place.
The dark thing about working so much is that it will wipe away your commitments, personality, memories, of who you were, your friends, enemies, great moments in your life and completely wipe them out. It will wipe out all ego. It will make those things seem unimportant and trivial. It sells you on the idea that the only thing that's important is working a lot and making a lot of money. The all-time consuming job will make it the first and foremost thing in your life, removing any drama, romance, I stand & write work is pulling me away from
writing this.
Work will leave you tired and exhausted everyday so that you struggle to achieve anything you need or like to get done at home. If you work weekends it will suck out your energy to 'go out' & have a social life. It will rob you of any kind of specialness you think you have & smooth out any kind of edges you might've had. It will rob you of your time with friends, in person, on the phone and it will suck away your willingness to make new ones.
It will suck out your mojo.
Unfortunately, it gives you time to dream as torture. It does do that very well! It's much like looking at that photo of a beautiful vacation spot at the corner of your desk you can never afford to go visit.
Hey, at least I'm not bitter!