Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Iron Man 3

I've just recently watched Iron Man 3. Although a good film, it's hard for me to shake the comedic plot twist with the main villain in it.


Let me start off that I'm a huge supporter and fan of Shane Black. I mean, I've watched the Lethal Weapon series more then a dozen of times. That being said, I still must voice my opinion.

I mean to me, Ben Kingsley playing Mandarin is such a better villain then
Guy Pierce. He was too yuppie to feel that much of a threat. Even with the decent fight scene at the end I couldn't help but feel a little cheated. Mandarin could have used his magic rings that he would've incorporated into trying to defeat Tony. They could've done a more scientific approach and had the rings be sensors, remote devices, holographic devices, unexplained tech that could've been used as 'magic'. I felt that opportunity was wasted here.

The rest of it was good. Iron Man saving a group of people descending in the sky was well shot and somewhat believable. Iron Man whizzing in the air while half suited up and using an uzi was a Shane Black kind of moment.

The different suits coming to Tony's aid was a lot of fun. It showcased a lot of different looks for the suit.

Overall, I give it an 8 out of 10. I was dangerously close to a 7.5 due to the crazy Mandarin plot twist.

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