The movie starts out with The Hulk vs's Thanos fight! It gets right to it. In the first act I get the sense The Hulk's gonna lose and he gets outboxed by Thanos. Hulk loses in about forty seconds! Then he descends back to Earth as Banner. So that's the whole beginning set up. Spiderman meets up with Tony Stark and Doctor Strange, they go to space, yada, yada, yada...
There's an amazing fight on Titan with most of the gang it's surreal since he's a cg character and it looks so believable.
The only time cg gets a little weird is with the female horseman. They could've just had a woman in prothetics and make-up.
Don't know why they did that.
Overall it's a great movie, lots of screen time with Thanos and setting him up. The cg on Thanos is incredible. He's really come to life and is a lot like he is in the comic with a dash of Brolin to make a little different. He's also a little more sympathitic since he thinks he's doing the right thing for the good of the universe.
Reading the graphic novel right now!
10 out of 10!